Experience since 1978 in more than 155 countries
There are several patented procedures to extract the aloe vera gel and to preserve it. Due to excellent experience, Aloe Medical Group International works exclusively with products from Forever Living Products.
Forever Living Products was founded by Rex Maughan in 1978 and is currently the world’s largest aloe vera concern. The company begins with farming the plants on to the product production and distribution with worldwide representations in more than 110 countries. More than 90% of all of the aloe farming grounds worldwide belong to Forever Living Products, their share in the world market regarding production and sales is equally as impressive. The precious aloe vera gel is the main basic ingredient of the entire cosmetic and dietary supplement products of Forever Living Products.
Obituary on Rex Maughan, November 20, 1936 – July 17, 2021
Careful harvest
At Forever Living Products, the aloe vera leaves are harvested by hand. The plant itself is not harvested; it is only the outer leaves which are separated from the plant with a clean and precise cut. About every two months three to four leaves of a plant can be taken, each leaf weighs approximately one pound. At least twelve leaves have to remain on the plant this ensures that one plant can be repeatedly harvested over a period of eight to ten years.
A decisive difference during the production of aloe vera gel or juice is if the whole leaf is used or just the inside, the gel. This is important because the leaf is composed of three layers: a) the leaf rind, b) a layer with yellow bitter juice and c) the leaf marrow. The second layer, the yellow juice, contains aloin and emodin, both have a strong laxative effect which is commonly known in pharmaceuticals. As this element is usually undesired, it is important that the aloe vera leaves are peeled and that only the inner, i.e. the marrow is used.
Organic farming
The aloe plants are cultivated strictly according to ecological principles. On the aloe plantations in the Dominican Republic and in Texas wild goats and sheep are used keeping weeds down. Additionally the animals excremtens contain nutrients important for healthy growth of the Aloe plant.
Special processing
After the harvest, the leaves are mechanically washed using a patented process and stripped of the outer husk. Today, this process can be done in such a hygienic fashion, that no yeast or bacteria can be detected anymore. All that remains is the clear gel containing the soothing components of aloe vera. This gel is collected in rust-free tanks directly at the plantation for reasons of stabilisation.
In order to maintain the strength of the active ingredients of the gel it is imperative that the processing steps are completed in a short period of time. It has been proven that the active ingredients rapidly deteriorate and lose their quality after a period of 6 hours, this is due to oxidisation.
Patented Stabilisation
The aloe vera gel must be stabilised in order to keep it as fresh as when it was extracted from the leaf. During this stabilisation process it is important that the gel is not exposed to excessive heat or aggressive chemicals as this would destroy the gel’s original components.
Neither pasteurisation, nor radiation, evaporation nor drying has delivered satisfactory results.
In the meantime, however, patented procedures are available through which we can make products with a potency that is very close to that of the fresh plant.
Forever Living Products employs the patented stabilisation process of Bill C. Coats (image). At the end of the 1950s, the Texan pharmacist managed to develop what is still to this day the optimal conservation technique.
Spectral analysis revealed that with this unique procedure the biogenic effectiveness of the gel is maintained at almost 100% compared to fresh leaf gel.
The freshly collected aloe vera gel since 2018 is subjected to a new processing of conservation, using certain temperatures and adding vitamin C as anti-oxidant, substance that does not influence the quality of the gel. In using this process the 300 proven nutrient-rich and natural active components are perfectly conserved. This unique and new procedure is patented by Aloe Vera of America. Today, Aloe Vera of America belongs to the Forever Living group and it is the world’s largest producer of aloe vera.
IASC – Quality seal for controlled production and processing
Ask critically when buying aloe products!
- How much does the gel cost?
- How does it taste?
- Where do the plants grow?
- How is the stabilisation done?
- Which parts of the leaf were used?
- How long are the transportation routes?
To put a stop to the black sheep escapades within the business, in 1981 in the USA the National Aloe Science Council, later International Aloe Science Council, short IASC was founded. It comprises of aloe vera farmers and processors, manufacturers of finished products, marketing companies, doctors, scientists and researchers.
The IASC declares its task to monitor the production of aloe vera products and to develop quality control standards for high-quality raw materials and finished products. The members of the council also follow a codex of honour which ensures clean business practices.
When buying aloe vera products be certain to check for the certification seal of the IASC – which is printed onto the packaging and not only stuck on to it!
FLP is a well established and trusted company on a worldwide scale.Due to the first class pure production process and the impeccable specialised balancing of the ingredients in the individual products FLP has the opportunity to use a number of other seals and certificates of various organisations for their products.A lot of aloe products of Forever Living Products bear both the IASC quality seal, the Kosher sign and the Islamic quality seal and therefore point out that the purity of the products has broad recognition. In addition, all products are animal free tested. All aloe vera products undergo a detailed quality control by a team of microbiologists this ensures that you and your customers can rely 100% on the ongoing soothing effect.